Wednesday, December 1, 2010


        Three months  ago,I was sick. I had a stomachache because I ate an unusual food. I took some medicine which is my friend make it and bring it from our country. There are many kinds of original medicine.
lemon juice detox 
Honey Texture - applied texture

For example if people have sore thought and flu,they take lemon juice with honey with olive oil. They mix one tsp from each other and take it tree times a day. This medicine works as an antibiotic . I like this kind of medicine because is original and I can use it with children also.


  1. Yup, I agree with you
    traditional medicine is good
    When you don't useful from it .. you don't make harms for your body.

  2. A lot of people have recommended honey on their blogs. I've never tried that when I was sick, but I think it sounds like a good idea.

    Corrections: "I took some medicine which my friend made and brought from my country." "For example, if people have a sore throat and flu, they take..."
