Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Favorite Transportation


سيارات للبيع بحراج السيارات بالرياض



       I prefer drive a car when I go a way. Driving a car is more comfortable for me. While I travail by my car I can stop any times to see the sightseeing beside the road. I enjoy a travailing with my family or my friend by my car. I feel it's more interesting than taking  public transportation. In conclusion, I commend each one to travail by a car to enjoying oneself.    

1 comment:

  1. Driving is usually fun, but not when the roads are covered in snow and ice! For me it's better to take the C-train in the winter.

    Corrections: "I enjoy traveling with my family or my friend in my car." "I feel it's more interesting than taking public transportation."
